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(Dated 9/10/2011)Our project has been done successfully as prepared, at 5:30 pm 8 Oct 2011. In this project, 53 trainees attended in the first day, and 48 trainees in the second day including CSU’s members. In the first day of the training, the program started from 10:00 am to finish at 5:00pm in Chin Believers Church (CBC). Initially, Mr. Ravi Hemandri who is legal expert of refugee affairs in India constitution had taught under the topic of “Right to Work.” He, Mr. Ravi, based on the article 21 of Indian Constitutional law which says that everyone who is on Indian soil has right to work his / her livelihood and can travel inside the country or out of India. Nevertheless, due to discrimination upon Burmese refugees in the work places, the refugee’s youths are lagging behind unemployment. Since the Burmese refugees are not having adequate skills to seek jobs in formal sectors such as MNCs and eminent companies majority of them are working in informal sectors like local unregister companies.
Mr. Ravi Hemandri |
Furthermore, the refugees are no holding require documents in order to seek for jobs in formal sectors they have to work in the said local companies which pay only nominal wages. It had depicted that if a Burmese has a necessary skills to work in formal sectors, he has right to apply in formal sectors and acquire better situation while he or she is living in India in terms of surviving. He had also give some ideas how to approach if a refugees face discrimination or improper treatment among employee by employer which against the constitution of India court. Some of participant who has faced such sort of problems before were raising the question why they have sucked from their jobs by unreasonable facts? He answered their questions with some assumption and the participants were somewhat satisfied with the answer so that they have got some idea how to report to the police and who kind of things should be done not to happened in the future.
Group Discussion |
Secondly, Ms. Philazah Ashangh who is running an NGO working for drugs addicted people and those who are suffering from AIDS diseases had taught “Personalilty Development” with interested activities. She encouraged all participants, even though being refugees we must try to be content in the present situation and resurrect our goals in this country to obtain brighter future. She delivered the great lesson on how to develop one’s inner-personalities by self-exercising our daily chaos.
After “Personal Development “taught, Dr. Achang Mungleng, the Co-coordinator of Euro Burma Office has taken “Communication & Management Skills.” She divided into two main topics, which are Communication and Management Skills. She delivered how important to know English while seeking or working in India. In addition, she explained vividly tips and etiquettes of communication in working environments. In Management Skills, she has discussed how time and financial managements are playing vital roles in a person life in order to reach goals and she had shown some how to manage our time and spend a minimum amount of money with wisely. In between of the sessions we did sometimes to ask and answer for participants.
Training Participants |
In the end of the program, we distributed feedback forms among participants and we received positive comments from the participants. All the trainees had actively joined each period, which give the trainers full satisfaction. In this way, the trainers and trainees were mutually benefited.
In the second day of the training, we intended to start our program at 12:00 am. However, due to electricity problem if couldn’t start as per our schedule time, the program was started at 12:45. After the attendants and their signatures were taken, Mr. Kejung Kimsing, the present vice president of Chin Students’ Union took 20 minutes to recap the lessons of the previous day. After that Mr. Peter who was supposed to teach on the topic “How to Write Resume” started his lecture. Mr. Peter, Assistant Coordinator of Euro Burma Office, was considered as a good lecturer about Writing Resume and he has also lots of knowledge in this subject. According to some senior trainees, Mr. Peter was known to have many experiences about Resuming by concentrating his lecture. He taught us so many good examples for different situations on Writing Resume. During this period, there were so many questions, which showed the eagerness and activeness of the trainees. After the theory with interesting power point presentation session was finished, we were divided five persons in each group for practicing how to write Resume. All the trainees actively joined the practical class. The first period ended at 2:30 pm.
Mr. Chetan Krishna |
After the learning session is finished we screened a Burmese film while all are having lunch.
As the last period of our training for the topic “Preparing for Interview”, Mr. Chetan Krishna from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) has taught them what things important and should be prepared before someone is going to face interview with interesting presentations and outlines. After the presentation was done, we immediately continued our practical class. In the practical class, Mr. Chetan Krishna, Mr. Peter, Ms. Roselin Zahau, Ms.Nadani who is from Other Media Office and Mr. Laitha had conducted them in face-to-face interview to each trainee. By doing practical class, all the trainees were bold to face any type of interview. The period of Mr. Chetan Krishna ended at 4:30 pm.
Group Photo |
By the end of our training, the feedback form was distributed to all the trainees and we got the positive responds from all the trainees. On behalf of Chin Students Union, Mr. Laitha president of CSU had a short thanking speech to the resource persons as well as to the trainees. Then, the honoraries were distributed to the resource persons and we had some photos session and then declared the end of our “Capacity Building Training for Better Employment”.
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